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"Broken Dreams" - New Original Song From The Musical "Rosie" - Lucy Thomas

8,960 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
27 Oktober 2022

⁣"Broken Dreams" - From The Forthcoming Musical "Rosie" - Lucy Thomas

I'm thrilled to share this wonderful new song from the Musical "Rosie", I hope you will enjoy it!❤

Broken Dreams

Looking back on all that we’ve been through
All we gave up so lightly
Broken pieces of the life we knew
Lie scattered all around me
How can I our love not survive
A love that once lit our lives so brightly

Those days have gone it seems
Now all that’s left are broken dreams
Where there was light there’s darkness here
Where there was joy there’s loneliness and fear
If only I could find a way to mend these broken dreams

Like a boat lost on a lonely sea
I steer a course uncharted
Searching for the way life used to be
Alone and broken-hearted
A world now filled with despair
Why can’t we go back to when we started

Those days have gone it seems
Now all that’s left are broken dreams
Where there was love there’s heartache here
Where there was hope there’s loneliness and fear
If only I could find a way to mend these broken dreams

And though my world seems shattered now
There has to be a way through this somehow
Escape from all this pain, find happiness again
Return to who we used to be
Re-light the flame of love that set us free

Where there was light there’s darkness here
Where there was joy there’s loneliness and fear

If only I could fly on broken wings through this broken sky
Back to the life I knew before
Back to a world of love and light once more
If only I could find a way to mend these broken dreams
I know that I must find a way to mend these broken dreams

Word and Music by Chris Broom

Conductor - James Shearman

If you would like to watch more of videos on my channel Lucy Thomas Music please click the Subscribe button and the 🔔 icon to receive notification of new videos!

You can also find my three albums "Premiere", "Encore" and "Timeless" on all music platforms. Please click here for details - ⁣https://www.lucythomasmusic.com/albums/ ... ❤ Lucy x

"Rosie" - The Musical
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rosiethemusical
Website - https://rosiethemusical.com

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