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Auld Lang Syne - New Year's Eve song (Acoustic cover by Emily Linge)

13,843 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
26 Dezember 2024

⁣Hope you all have a wonderful Healthy and Happy New Year!!

Special thanks to @OvidioDeFerrari for helping with the piano arrangement.
Thanks also to @elvisgaragic9104 from @SoundStruckStudios Dubai for the mix/mastering.


Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And old Lang Syne

For Auld Lang Syne my dear
For Auld Lang Syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For Auld Lang Syne

We two have paddled in the stream
From morning sun til dine
But seas between us broad have roared
Since Auld Lang Syne

For Auld Lang Syne my dear
For Auld Lang Syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For Auld Lang Syne

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For the sake of Auld Lang Syne

Follow Emily Linge!
Instagram: https://instagram.com/emilylingeofficial/
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@emilylingemusic
Facebook: https://facebook.com/EmilyLingemusicpage/

Listen to more Emily Linge!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/1oHuewfSrJgCviOzYB
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/art....ist/emily-linge/1555
⁣Email : https://is.gd/8MwMZV

About Emily Linge:
Emily Linge is a seventeen year-old British-Norwegian singer songwriter, born and raised in Dubai. Music has been Emily’s passion from a young age. She loves to write and record original music, as well as recording covers of other artists’ songs. Emily Linge has learned how to play from ​Ovidio DeFerrari (piano) and Simon Tomkins (guitar). ​Outside of music, Emily is an avid tennis player, painter, and seamstress. Make sure to subscribe above for more Emily Linge videos!

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