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LET IT BE – guitar inspiration by RockMilady - The wonderful song of the BEATLES (official video)

3,431 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
06 Dezember 2024

⁣My inspirational arrangement is a huge tribute to the most influential and successful band in pop music, the BEATLES, who continue to influence musical life worldwide to this day.
Thanks to the fantastic four members from Liverpool for the countless wonderful songs!
Thanks to everyone who helped in any possible way to make the video.

You can also find me here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rockmiladyofficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rockmilady/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/5PCeVa5ysIn6Gg9JNs

RockMilady - acoustic guitar, lead-guitar (IBANEZ Q52PB-ABS Headless)
Laszlo Rozsa – keyboard
BassSister Stella – bass (IBANEZ EHBI1505 SMS Headless 5 string)
Michael Blunt - drums, percussion

Videographer: Laszlo Andrics (London)
Videographer: Laszlo Keszei (Home)
Editor: Laszlo Andrics
Graphics: Zeta Almasi
Sound: Laszlo Rozsa - DDC Studio
Acoustic sound: Szabolcs Kapui – Zenekápolna/Music Chappel Studio
Special thanks: Zsolt Fuzfa

Producer: Michael Blunt

Milady-Production 2024.

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