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"At Last" - Lucy Thomas - (Official Manchester Concert Video)

11,573 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
22 Mai 2024

⁣"At Last" - Lucy Thomas - The Stoller Hall, Manchester - March 2024
"At Last" features on my third album "Timeless" available on all music platforms. Please click here for details - https://www.lucythomasmusic.com/albums Lucy ❤️xxx

Pianist - James Breckon

Recording Engineer - Jamie Alsop
Mixing Engineer - Stefano Galante, Jamie Alsop & Phill Bulleyment
Mastering Engineer - Stefano Galante
Producer - Chris Broom
Videographer - Chris Forshaw
Backdrop Designer - Robbie Dunbar

"At Last" was written by Mack Gordon and Harry Warren in 1941 for the musical film "Sun Valley Serenade". "At Last" has been recorded by many artists including Etta James whose version this recording is inspired by. More recently "At Last" has been recorded by both Celine Dion and Beyonce.

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