Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift (cover) | Mayte Levenbach
Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift (cover) | Mayte Levenbach
I've been wanting to cover a couple of Taylor Swift songs for a while, but I just didn't know where to start, so trust me when I say there's more Taylor coming 😅. All my favourite Taylor songs are from her first albums though and I've loved listening to this song in particular. The whole reasoning behind the song is so true. Everyone wants to grow up and everyone is growing up, without really realising that they are. For the past couple of weeks, I've spent a couple of evenings with my upstairs neighbour, who has a 1.5 year old daughter (I've seen her grow up since she was a newborn). I love kids, but every time I see this little one, I whisper to her that she shouldn't grow up so fast. I hope you enjoy my version of this song with some added violin lines!
#NeverGrowUp #TaylorSwift #MayteLevenbach
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