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Home And Dry - Written by Emily Linge (Sundown Sessions Studio)

8,033 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
07 September 2022

⁣I first wrote this song on piano and later sent it to Sundown Sessions Studio in Nashville. The footage was filmed on holiday in Norway.

Hope you enjoy it!

Much love,


It’s hard to know which path to choose
When the one thing you fear is to lose
Whatever the outcome might be
Be thankful you’re able to see

But fortune favors the brave who are they to act wise?
Maybe they need advice
Now they sit on top of the game not realizing who is to blame
All we’re gonna do is live and play
No one opposing our way

We’re gonna learn how to fly
‘Cause we’ll be home and dry
We’re gonna learn how to fly
We’ll spread our wings and fly

Tomorrow the sun might rise
What did our parents say we despise?
Will we tell our teens what to be
Or are we lucky to even be here to see?

But fortune favors the brave who are they to act wise?
Maybe they need advice
Now they sit on top of the game not realizing who is to blame
All we’re gonna do is live and play
No one opposing our way

We’re gonna learn how to fly
‘Cause we’ll be home and dry
We’re gonna learn how to fly
We'll spread our wings and fly

And we'll be home and dry
And we'll be home and dry

Written by Emily Linge

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