And I Love Her - The Beatles - Cover by Emily Linge
Emily Linge
Christian Kumhofer
Many people already know that I am a big Beatles fan!
Hope Paul McCartney won't mind me changing one word since I am singing it to my mum.
Special thanks to Simon Tomkins for the guitar parts!
Thanks also to Elvis Garagic SoundStruck Studios Dubai for the mix/mastering and adding some percussion.
I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her
She gives me everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her
A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

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