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VAN TOUR - a tour of my full time home | Full Size Shower!

100 Aufrufe
07 Mai 2022

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ameinavan

Hey everyone,
I thought I'd show you around my van since you haven't had an official tour yet!

Thanks for all the support, I really appreciate you all so much❤️❤️❤️

Paypal- https://paypal.me/ameinavan?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB
thank you to everyone who has donated❤️🤗

Income - social media (initially I worked on food trucks & sold bracelets online)
My Parents - also live nomadically as well
How long did the build take - 1.5 years
Do I film and edit my videos - yes, it's my job
What do I film on - canon m50 + dji pocket
I'm from the Uk but I also have French nationality
my van - ford transit

#vantour #housetour #vanlife


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