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Sina feat. Juna N Joey - Too Much Of A Good Thing (Chi Might II)

102 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
05 April 2019

We are very proud to introduce Juna N Joey, sister and brother from Palm Beach, USA. You can follow the up and coming duo on their channels:


Juna - Vocals
Joey - Vocals & Acoustic Guitar
Milena - Banjo & Backing Vocals
Andrei Cerbu - Electric Guitar
Mike Wilbury - Ukulele, Bass & Acoustic Guitar
Rick Benbow, Piano, Hamond Organ and Strings Arrangement
Sina - Drums & Backing Vocals

Written by Mike Wilbury

Many thanks to Seamus and Al of MOB Radio for arranging this collaboration! And of course THANKS AGAIN to Andrew Hutchison who sent me this lovely little Splash cymbal quite some time ago. I think my dad wrote this song all around that Splash cymbal :)

Connect with Andrei:

Follow Milena on Instagram

Connect with Rick:

If you want to be involved in funding the album, please join me on Patreon and you will be one of the first to hold a copy in your hands :)


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