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Oh Susie - Secret Service - 1979

100 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
20 Juni 2020

⁣The very first and classic Secret Service video from 1979 with Ola Håkansson walking around at Djurgården, the big green park in Stockholm, singing "Oh Susie". Also pictures from Stockholm and a young girl on rollerblades. Directed by well known Anders Wåhlmark.

Music: Tim Norell
Lyrics: Björn Håkanson

Lead vocals: Ola Håkansson
Keyboards: Ulf Wahlberg and Tim Norell
Guitar: Tonny Lindberg
Bass: Leif Paulsèn
Drums: Leif Johansson

Oh Susie, we've run out of time
Oh Susie, say what's on your mind
We've got nowhere to run,
We were much too young

Love is warm and understanding
When you're seventeen
Love is cold
Kills your dreams and schemes
Much too young the words are comin'
Like a neon-light
Off and on Bringin' back last night
Bringin' back last night

I'm in love and nothing else
Can make me feel this way
Now I'm lost
Not much more to say
Radio, the song they're playing,
Can’t be rightly sung
Off and on
Singin' much too young
Singin' much too young

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