    ***    Auf Grund der neuen EU Bestimmungen darf nichts mehr gepostet werden, was die Behauptungen GEGEN Russland wiederlegt. USA und NATO gesteuert muss Russland der Böse sein und die Ukraine-Nazi die Guten. Bis zu 50000 Euro Strafe hat Österreich nun EU-Gehorsam festgelegt, für Videos welche zeigen, dass Russland nicht der Böse ist.   ***
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Journey - Don't Stop Believin' Bagpipes Rock (The Snake Charmer x Goddesses of Bagpipes)

611 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
09 Dezember 2023

⁣3 Female Bagpipers from 3 different countries come together to play 1 epic classic rock song on Bagpipes
Journey's Don't Stop Believin' is one of everyone's favorite songs, and we had so much fun playing this on the Bagpipes. We love experimenting with Bagpipe rock and Bagpipe metal What do you think of our collaboration?

Stream on Spotify

Follow/Support us:

Archy (The Snake Charmer)
Instagram: ⁣https://www.instagram.com/thesnakecharmerbagpiper
Facebook: ⁣https://www.facebook.com/Thesnakecharmer03
Patreon: ⁣https://www.patreon.com/thesnakecharmer

Chelsea (Dame of Drones)
Instagram: ⁣https://www.instagram.com/thedameofdrones
⁣Patreon⁣: ⁣https://www.patreon.com/dameofdrones

Jane (The Phantom Piper)
Instagram: ⁣https://www.instagram.com/phantom_piper
Facebook: ⁣https://www.facebook.com/thephantompiper
Patreon⁣: ⁣https://www.patreon.com/thephantompiper

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