H.O.L.Y. - Florida Georgia Line (Female cover) by Maddie Wilson
HOLY - Florida Georgia Line (cover) by Maddie Wilson
iTunes: https://goo.gl/KA8t4e *Please rate and comment :)
Spotify: https://goo.gl/Ggpzk8
Hey everyone! Thank you sooo much for watching. I went to the FGL concert and this song blew my mind. If you enjoyed it make sure 'like' it and SUBSCRIBE! Love always, Maddie
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For booking or other business inquiries: maddiewilsonmusic@gmail.com
Video production by Cameron Gade:
Vocals/track recorded & mixed/mastered by Becky Willard at VoxFox:
And HUGE thanks to my wonderful patrons for everything that they do for me. You make these videos possible:
Frank Uhlig

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