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Girls Like Me - Mary Chapin Carpenter - Cover by Emily Linge

855 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
13 September 2021

⁣"Girls Like Me" was written by Mary Chapin Carpenter. I think it is such a beautiful song! Matt Rollings and MCC are quite a team!

I have enjoyed watching MCC's recent "Songs From Home". Her voice, songs and guitar skills are mind blowing. She inspires me so much!
I hope she will get to hear and enjoy my interpretation of her lovely song.

Special thanks to Elvis Garagic @SoundStruck Studios Dubai for the mix/mastering
And special thanks to Ovidio De Ferrari for helping me with the piano arrangement.

Girls like me aren't hard to find
We grow like roses on the vine
We wear our hearts on our sleeves
You probably know a girl like me

We live alone and in our heads
We eat standing up or in our beds
Guilt and fear merge easily
In the quiet souls of girls like me

And loneliness is like a cold
Common and no cure we're told
We take to bed per chance to dream
In the blue light of the TV screen

Girls like me like summer light
And cold beer on a summer night
And boys who aren't afraid of what they see
Inside the eyes of girls like me

And hopefulness is like a drug
It makes a girl believe in love
And if somehow you love us back
We think there's something wrong with that

Girls like me aren't hard to trust
Your deepest secrets safe with us
And when it's time we set you free
You can always count on girls like me

It's good to know a girl like me
You used to love a girl like me

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