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Game of Thrones Violin Cover, feat. Jenny O'Connor

239 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
09 September 2020

⁣Jenny here, I'm jonesing for GoT next week and can't stop playing Rains of Castamere...

How about you? What do you do to cope?

Played this little violin concert in the woods in hopes a lion might hear.

Thanks to new friend Julian Melanson for capturing it for TV land. Subscribe to his YouTube channel for behind the scenes footage yet to come: https://www.youtube.com/user/DRNtube

And if you want to make amazing videos of a lion, tiger or Hot Violinist near you, check out his super affordable and amazing Film Creator Academy: http://bit.ly/thehotviolinist

If you're a Hot Violinist and want all my tips and secrets, then please visit me here and sign up for my free sheet music: http://www.thehotviolinist.com/

Sound Mix: Ron Flynt, Jumping Dog Studios
Filming: Julian Melanson
BTS: Luis Trujillo
Styling: Caryssa Ramirez
Photo: Allee Graziano
Produced by: www.FilmCreatorAcademy.com
Location: Idyllwild CA

Shout out to David Wong with thanks for the classical double stops ideas.

Special thanks to Danielle Dupont, Will Lubrano, and Trine for secret locals only location scouting and lodging!


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