Florida Georgia Line - H.O.L.Y. - Cover by Mayte Levenbach
Florida Georgia Line - H.O.L.Y. - Cover by Mayte Levenbach
I'm high on loving you...
#FloridaGeorgiaLine #HOLY #MayteLevenbach
This video is sponsored by:
Bob Phillips
Derek Knudsen
Fred Aldridge
Goddess Nike
Lonnie Richter
Paul Cuthbert
ricHARD Masada
Tony Horrex
About the cover:
I fell in love with this song as soon as I heard it and knew I had to cover this. I love the lyrics and how everything fits together. While making my cover, I thought it would be fun to add a violin solo against it. I truly hope you like my version.
If you'd like to be the first one to know what and when I'm uploading and you'd like to support me in my music, make sure to check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/maytelevenbach

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