Der Kater lässt das Mausen nicht
In einem römischen Altstadtviertel versucht ein Hausbesitzerpaar, sein Vielparteienhaus zu veräußern, um am Boom der Spekulationsgewinne teilzuhaben. Die Mieter werden mit allerlei Tricks aus dem Hause geekelt.
Amedeo and Ofelia, middle aged brother and sister, own jointly an old decadent, but still attractive, condominium. They want to sell it, but before they have to evict all the tenants. Of course, these don't want to leave at all. The cat (Il Gatto), mascot and beloved by all, dies and this gives the two an excuse to enter the tenants' life. Amedeo starts to court the young Wanda and Ofelia seduces the priest Don Pezzolla. In the meantime
police is looking for the cat killer

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