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Circa Paleo - The Kiss (The Gael) @ Renaissance Pleasure Faire, Irwindale

318 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
09 September 2020

⁣This was my first Ren Faire, and what a pleasant surprise that Circa Paleo was there! I had just found out about this music group about a week before the Faire, while looking for videos of live performances of "The Gael", and Circa Paleo's videos showed up.

The group members are all very talented and friendly; not only did I get a beautiful treat for my ears, they all kindly met me after the performance and autographed my album! :) It was a pleasure to meet them all!

I wish the recording was done better. I unfortunately don't have a proper camera, so this was recorded on my Samsung Galaxy II. Oh well, I suppose it could have been worse!

This song is called "The Kiss"; originally titled "The Gael" and composed by Dougie MacLean, this tune was immortalized when it was adopted for use in the classic film "The Last of the Mohicans", and remains one of my all-time favorites!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Remember to check out Circa Paleo's website and give them your adoration and support!

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