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Charlotte Summers - The House of the Rising Sun - The Animals

158 Aufrufe
Christian Kumhofer
Christian Kumhofer
20 Oktober 2019

Charlotte has done a cover of this classic song, known to millions around the world. The song perfectly fits her voice. "The House of the Rising Sun" is a folk song, which tells of a life gone bad. The best known version, was recorded in 1964 by The Animals,and reached no 1 in the UK Singles Chart and was a hit also in the United States and France.

There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one

My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new blue jeans
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in New Orleans

Oh mother tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun

Well, there is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one

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